Questions Home Tutors Should Ask Parents

Questions Home Tutors Should Ask Parents

As a home tutor, having an introductory meeting with parents is invaluable for understanding the student’s needs and background. While parents will provide much information upfront, tutors should also come prepared with a list of questions to gain further insights. The more tutors understand about a student’s specific requirements, challenges, and learning styles, the better they can customize their teaching approach.

Here are some important questions home tutors should ask parents before starting sessions:

What are the child’s struggles with this subject?

Tutors need to know the precise topics, concepts or skills where the student is facing difficulties. Is it comprehension, memorization, attention, application of concepts or something else? Pinpointing the problem areas allows for targeted instruction.

Does the child have any diagnosed learning needs?

Understanding conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, or processing disorders is key for adapting teaching methods. Accommodating different learning styles and special needs leads to better outcomes.

What learning style seems most effective?

Tutoring approaches can be tailored based on whether the child learns better visually, verbally, physically/kinesthetically, logically, etc. Matching the instruction to their dominant learning style makes lessons more engaging.

What are some motivations and interests?

Leveraging a student’s existing passions in lessons helps build rapport and makes learning more relatable. For example, a tutor can use sports examples if a student loves athletics.

What goals do you have for tutoring?

Ask parents about their priorities and expectations from home tuition. Is it to improve grades, master certain skills, prepare for exams, gain confidence or something else? Defining targets guides the tutoring process.

How much assistance does homework require?

Knowing how independently a student handles regular homework provides insight into their self-sufficiency levels. More homework help may be required.

What is the classroom environment like?

Factors like class size, teaching style of the school teacher, relationships with peers etc. can all impact how well a student absorbs instruction. This context helps tutors adjust their approach.

Does the child have any behavioral or social issues affecting academics?

Behavioral problems, lack of focus, anxiety, poor organizational skills, and social challenges can all undermine learning. Tutors should know these dynamics to maintain engagement.

Are there any medical considerations?

Illnesses, impaired vision/hearing, or medications can affect energy levels, retention ability, and focus during lessons. Adjustments may help overcome these barriers.

What is the preferred structure and pace for lessons?

Understanding optimal session frequency, duration, level of parental involvement, and pacing needed allows tutors to shape an effective program.

What methods have previously worked well?

Drawing on approaches that have successfully resonated before provides a head start. Parents can share insights into learning techniques, motivators, and tutoring styles that have had the greatest positive impact.

What type of feedback is preferred?

Tutors should clarify if parents want periodic progress reports, in-person conferences, email updates, goal tracking sheets, or just notification about major achievements or issues. Aligning communication expectations prevents problems.

Starting off tutoring with insights from parents lays the groundwork for an impact experience. Krishna Home Tuition carefully assesses each student and maintains an open dialogue with parents to deliver the best outcomes through our tutoring programs. Contact us in Chandigarh today to learn more!